You need parental leave


have access

Only 27% of private sector employees have paid parental leave


most requested

Paid parental leave is the third most requested employee policy


need it

All parents, whether birthing or not, need access to paid parental leave

Freebies for parents

Here are a few guides for you, prepared by Parento.

Parental Leave Planner

A guide to plan your upcoming leave, wind down work, return to work after leave, manage your leave options, and more.

OOO Email Templates

OOO email templates for new parents, designed to set healthy work-life boundaries and set realistic expectations.

Who pays for PFL?

A breakdown of Paid Family Leave contributions by state, employee, and employer, consolidated into a fact sheet.

Men and Parental Leave

Men need parental leave to advance the financial stability of birthing parents and women. Here are 10 key stats you need to know.
Hi, we're Parento! 

Everything you need to advocate for paid parental leave at work

We're Parento, providers of paid parental leave insurance. Use our Parent to Champion toolkit to advocate for paid parental leave at your workplace. You got this! 

Just *some* benefits of paid parental leave

Paid parental leave positively impacts retention, maternal health, morale, and company reputation.

Improves labor and delivery outcomes + maternal health

Maternal mortality, especially among Black and BIPOC mothers, is a national crisis. Parental leave decreases the likelihood of c-sections, preeclampsia, and re-hospitalization for birthing parents.

Reduces the risk of postpartum depression

Over 50% of all postpartum anxiety and depression (PPAD) goes undiagnosed and parents (including dads!) often feel financially burdened, forced back to work prematurely. Paid leave can reduce PPAD symptoms in 10% of all cases, leading to healthier families.

Doesn't derail a woman's career or earnings

The gender wage gap triples after motherhood, and every year a mother is out of work costs her 10% in earning power. And, dads need paternity leave too! Every month a man takes paternity leave is tied to a 7% increase in moms earnings.

Cuts the risk of turnover by up to 70%, saving on hiring

30% of women without access to maternity leave will leave the labor market the year they have a child. But just 12 weeks of paid leave can reduce that turnover by 70%. Companies can save significant rehiring expenses, often 50% of an employee's annual salary.

Supports *all* of the ways families are formed

Families look different for everyone. Companies need policies that cover birth, adoption and foster, to equitably support LGBTQ+ employees, who are 7x more likely to adopt or foster.

Leads to happier, and more loyal, employees

73% of employees would leave their current company for one that offers better benefits, with over half considering family-friendly benefits a top priority. With policies that matter, employees are more engaged and productive, and 86% said they would be more loyal to their current company.

What is your employer doing now?

Most employers can't figure out how to afford and manage paid parental leave.

What most employers do


Most employers let employees fend for themselves, cobbling together paid time off, vacation, or sick days. Most parents can't afford unpaid leave so either delay or forego having kids, or opt to leave work after having a child.
Employees fend for themselves
100% unacceptable

What some employers do

Use short-term disability

Most companies use their private short-term disability (STD) coverage for pregnancy disability. This often *only* covers the birthing parent for 6 or 8 weeks (if they have a c-section) and doesn't pay their full salary.
Covers birthing parent
Only 6 or 8 wks of leave
Excludes non-birthing parents
No employer support
No parent support
No personalization

What those with PFL do

Use Paid Family Leave

Only 9 states and D.C. have a Paid Family Leave (PFL) program in place. These programs have confusing applications and offer different lengths of leave and salary reimbursement, varying from 50-90%.
Covers eligible parents
Only in 9 states + D.C.
Complicated applications
1 week unpaid period
No parent support
30% of claims are denied
Varying pay + leave

What your employer needs

Use Parento to handle it all

Parento is a white-glove solution available for your employer to roll-out a paid parental leave policy covering all full-time employees. We help your employer afford and easily manage PPL, regardless of industry or company size.
Covers birthing and non-birthing parents
Available nationwide
100% employer-paid
Expert PFL guidance
Unlimited parent coaching
100% personalized
Return-to-work support
Can launch in days!

Paid parental leave is table stakes, not a nice thing to do

Let's be real: employers who don't support their employees with real family-friendly policies are going to lose their employees. Access to parental leave is not a "nice to have," it's table stakes for parents and parents-to-be. Period.

Paid Parental Leave Experts
FIGHT FOR workplace change WITH PARENTO

Here's how to use our toolkit to advocate for paid parental leave at work

25+ pages
Easy to navigate
You got this!

Educate yourself on the data + options

Your employer may not want to spend $ on a new policy, so focus on the savings. Present data (in the toolkit!) on the return-on-investment (ROI) of a new or expanded policy. Highlight the ways it will save on rehiring and lost talent, boost company morale, and its use in recruitment.

Get support from coworkers + groups

Regardless of company size, talk to your coworkers. What was their experience during and after leave? What do employees want vs. need? There's powers in numbers so work together (gather testimonials + feedback) to build your case. If you have an ERG, loop them in!

Present your case + loop in Parento

Our toolkit includes email templates you can customize and send to HR. Asking your employer for something can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Feel free to connect your company directly with Parento or send them our small business guide to paid parental leave.

About Parento

Parento is a one-stop solution for paid parental leave

Insurance makes it easy and more affordable to offer paid parental leave

100% employer-paid program

Includes *unlimited* parent support and coaching, doula access, programming and more

Join our community

A monthly newsletter just for parents. And connect with us on Instagram @parentoleave

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